Insights and inspiration from the pen of Beyant Rai

We all often have many questions in our minds for which we keep searching for answers but even after searching a lot we do not get answers to them. I have tried to find answers to some such questions. I was able to find answers to all those questions probably because I feel very close to God and if you also want answers to these questions, then it is important that you also have complete faith in God, only then will you be able to understand the meaning of all these things. By God I do not mean the form of all those Gods who are worshipped in some form or the other in the whole world.By God I mean the God who has created this world and that God has either not been seen by anyone till now or has been seen and heard a little bit, so if we say in the true sense as a creature of another world, then till date no one has seen or heard about the God who has created this world, he can only be felt. God gives us answers to some questions asked from the depths of our mind. Till date no one has seen or heard about God because the God we are talking about has not only created such a beautiful world on earth but has also created many more in the universe. The planets are inhabited . We are talking about that God, not those small forms of God created by humans, which are countless on this earth. And the God who created this earth never wanted that ordinary humans like us or any creature born on this earth could see or know him. Because if that were so, and God wanted people to see him, then no one can stop such a great power. And if he did not want anyone to see or hear him, then no one has the ability to see or hear him even once. So I request you to empty your mind before reading this book and forget the God whose image you already have. And read this book with an empty mind, only then you will get the answers to your questions. Whatever questions and answers you are reading, these are only my own thoughts. Do not associate them with any caste or religion. Thank you! Read More

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